Airport Landside Planning
With our unique expertise in both airports and mobility, our team has the experience, knowledge, tools and creativity to generate optimal landside plans that maximize passenger convenience, commercial potential, and long-term flexibility while minimizing land take and cost.
The landside of an airport is the place where the airport meets the city or metropolitan area that it serves; it is where vital transportation links are located, and where the airport’s greatest potential for non-aeronautical commercial development typically exists. The most critical part of the landside is the passenger terminal forecourt, but in large airports this area often extends beyond the terminal, relying on secondary mobility networks such as pedestrian corridors or a landside APM.
Our airport landside planning focuses on the harmonious integration of complex elements such as a Ground Transportation Center (GTC), parking structures, road and rail infrastructure and commercial development, all of which come with their own unique mobility requirements, leading to well-resolved solutions with built-in expandability and flexibility.